How about the great void or nothingness that one can experience through different states of consciousness. Where all conceptual reality disappears. What more true, the mind perception of the world and cosmos or or what physic's states about the reality of nature or what becomes conscious through altered states of consciousness?
Nirvana (nibbana) literally means "blowing out" or "quenching".[41] It is the most used as well as the earliest term to describe the soteriological goal in Buddhism: release from the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra).[42] Nirvana is part of the Third Truth on "cessation of dukkha" in the Four Noble Truths doctrine of Buddhism.[42] It is the goal of the Noble Eightfold Path.[43]
The Buddha is believed in the Buddhist scholastic tradition to have realized two types of nirvana, one at enlightenment, and another at his death.[44] The first is called sopadhishesa-nirvana (nirvana with a remainder), the second parinirvana or anupadhishesa-nirvana (nirvana without remainder, or final nirvana).[44]
In the Buddhist tradition, nirvana is described as the extinguishing of the fires that cause rebirths and associated suffering.[45] The Buddhist texts identify these three "three fires"[46] or "three poisons" as raga (greed, sensuality), dvesha (aversion, hate) and avidyā or moha (ignorance, delusion).[47][48]
The state of nirvana is also described in Buddhism as cessation of all afflictions, cessation of all actions, cessation of rebirths and suffering that are a consequence of afflictions and actions.[42] Liberation is described as identical to anatta (anatman, non-self, lack of any self).[49][50] In Buddhism, liberation is achieved when all things and beings are understood to be with no Self.[50][51] Nirvana is also described as identical to achieving sunyata (emptiness), where there is no essence or fundamental nature in anything, and everything is empty.[52][53]